The Blessing Bag Brigade NJ

2021 – The Blessing Bag Brigade NJ is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to showing compassion and humanitarianism towards the homeless. Our mission is to help them find some comfort. We wish for this situation not to exist, but the fact of the matter is, there are homeless that can’t afford basic necessities. It’s been our first-hand experience through this project, that there are everyday items that can make an impact and difference in their world. We’ve experienced the homeless using the Blessing Bag donations immediately in rest rooms. We’ve seen them tear into the food that has been donated, use the lotion on their extremely dry legs, and put on new socks given to them in the Blessing Bags.

Our mission has expanded to help kids with special needs to enhance their life skills. We are involved in 5 Jersey Shore area schools. The children receive, divide, and pack the supplies into gallon bags. We coordinate that on a monthly to bimonthly basis.

The Blessing Bag Brigade started by distributing numerous bags five nights a week in New York City. Our journey allowed us to bring this idea home; Middletown, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Freehold, Keansburg, Atlantic Highlands, Newark, and other Jersey Shore areas in NJ, where we are now committed to distributing supplies. We may not be able to cure homelessness, but we definitely show them we care. Our compassion proves to them, that people do want to help. Sometimes all they need is a little hope, and someone to say they care.